
阅读下面一段文言文,完成小题。(15分) 游龙井记 秦观 龙井旧名龙泓,距钱塘十里。吴赤乌中,方士葛洪尝炼丹于此,事见《图记》。其地当西湖之西,浙江之北,风篁岭之上,实深山乱石之中泉也。每岁旱,祈雨于他祠不获,则祈于此,其祈辄应,故相传以为有龙居之。 然泉者,山之精气所发也,西湖深靓空阔,纳光景而涵烟霏,菱芡荷花之所附丽,龟鱼鸟虫之所依凭,满衍而不迫,纡徐以成文,阴晴之中,各有奇态,而不可以言尽也。故岸听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题。 1. Who worked at the boy's camp last summer? A. Steve. B. Mary. C. Wendy's brother. 2. Why does Wendy want to get a job at the hotel? A. She worked there last summer. B. She can make some money. C. She is good at making the bed. 3. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman doesn't learn well at school. B. One can't earn much by cutting grass. C. The two speakers are college students.
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