
如图,点A、点B是函数y=的图象上关于坐标原点对称的任意两点,BC∥x轴,AC∥y轴,△ABC的面积是4,则k的值是( ) A. 2                B. ±4                 C. 2                D. ±2 答案:C 10.Where was Susan born?A.A small town.B.A small village.C.A big city.17.What did they do two days ago?A.Went swimming.B.Went to the washroom.C.Went shopping.18.Who is Susan's new friend?A.Lucy.B.Jane.C.Jack.19.Which sign was in front of the shoe store?A.No smoking.B.No talking.C.No parking.20.Which sentence is TRUE?A.The traffic is bad but Susan found a parking place finally.B.Susan's car was gone because it was stolen.C.The police pulled Susan's car away when Jane went to the washroom.
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