
“阳光是最好的防腐剂,政府的权力运行过程公开透明就会大大地降低腐败发生的几率。”这是因为,权力运行过程公开透明才能( ) ①防止政府权力的滥用 ②扩大公民的民主权利 ③维护群众的所有利益 ④真正做到权为民所用 A.①②  B.③④ C.①④  D.②③   答案:C②③观点错误,排除,应选①④。  Read and choose. 根据情景,选择合适的对话,并将其字母标号写在括号内。1. (______) 2. (______)3. (______) 4. (______) 5. (______)A. —Hi, Mr. Jones. This is Zhang Peng.—Hello, Zhang Peng.B. —We have two new students today.—Welcome. C. —Mum, this is Miss Green. She’s my new teacher.—Miss. Green, nice to meet you.D. —Who’s that man?—He’s my father.E. —Who’s that woman?—She’s my mother.
政治 试题推荐