
画函数y=1+的草图,并求出其单调区间. 答案:思路分析:此函数的作图有两个途径,一是根据描点的方法作图,二是利用坐标系的平移来作图.一般说来,作草图时,利用坐标平移较为方便. 解:由y=1+,得y-1=,∴y=+1.此函数的图象可由下列变换而得到:先作函数y=的图象,作其关于y轴的对称图象,即y=的图象,将所得图象向右平移3个单位,向上平移1个单位,即为y=1+的从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A; 1B:I often go to the zoo. I like animals. They are our friends. What about you? A; 2B: Do you think that we are supposed to keep the animals in cages? A: 3 I think the animals will be happier if they live in a free environment. For example, let birdslive in the forest and water animals live in the lakes or the swamps. B:4 A:Of course, but it's hard to provide the animals with a safe environment because of environment pollution and over-hunting from human beings if they aren't kept in cages or zoos.B:5 A. You're right, but we can try to create a free environment.B.  No, I'm afraid it's bad for them.C.  Would you like to go to the zoo with me?D.  Me too.E.   What would you like to do in your spare time?F.   I agree with you. Different animals need different habitats.G.Some people are against keeping the animals in tiny cages.
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