
Perfume (香水) has been in existence for a long time. These days, certain perfumes are considered comparable to great works of art. Here are a few of the most famous perfumes in history. Chanel No.5  This perfume is probably the best-selling scent (气味) in the history of fragrance (香水). Created by Ernst Beaux for Coco Chanel in 1921, it has been described as “the world’s most legendary fragrance”, and remains the company’s most famous perfume. Shalimar    Jacques Guerlain created this vanilla fragrance in 1925. The perfume takes its name from the Garden of Shalima“我的家在东北松花江上,那里有我的同胞,还有那衰老的爹娘。九一八!九一八!从那个悲惨的时候,脱离了我的家乡,抛弃了那无尽的宝藏。”这首凄怆的《松花江上》时刻告诫着我们勿忘国耻。九一八事变距今(2011年)(   )A.70年B.80年C.90年D.100年
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