
用纯净的CO还原CuO时,试管中的CuO由_________色逐渐变为_________色;将生成的气体通入澄清的石灰水中,可以看到澄清的石灰水_________。 答案:答案:黑 红 变浑浊Wishing to encourage her young son’s progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were     , the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the passage to greet her. Seizing the     to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and    explored his way through a door marked “NO ADMITTANCE.” When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and      that the child was missing. Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In     , the mother saw her little boy sitting at the key-board,       picking out Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. At that moment, the great piano master made his    , quickly moved to the piano, and     in the boy’s ear, “Don’t quit. Keep playing.” Then     over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato (伴奏). Together, the old master and the young novice (beginner) transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully     experience. The audience was strongly     . That’s the way it is in life. What we can accomplish (实现) on our own is hardly     . We try our best, but the       aren’t exactly graceful flowing music. But when we trust in the hands of a Greater Power, our life’s work       can be beautiful. Next time you set out to    great achievements, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, “Don’t quit. Keep playing.”小题1:A.seatedB.satC.dressedD.rested小题2:A.factB.difficultyC.opportunityD.risk小题3:A.actuallyB.occasionallyC.fortunatelyD.eventually小题4:A.discoveredB.toldC.acceptedD.offered小题5:A.joyB.trustC.horrorD.pleasure小题6:A.quicklyB.personallyC.generallyD.innocently (纯洁地)小题7:A.entranceB.disappearanceC.arrangementD.opening小题8:A.shoutedB.repeatedC.promisedD.whispered小题9:A.turningB.bendingC.risingD.handing小题10:A.creativeB.effectiveC.annoyingD.fearing小题11:A.addicted(入了迷的)B.invitedC.attackedD.attracted小题12:A.abnormal (反常的)B.remarkable (卓越的)C.unimportantD.ordinary小题13:A.goalsB.intentionsC.resultsD.purposes小题14:A.luckilyB.trulyC.slightlyD.fortunately小题15:A.overcomeB.enjoyC.accomplishD.become
化学 试题推荐