
There are three basic ways of _____ language to writing, and all known graphic systems use one or a combination of these. A. committing   B. attaching   C. comparing   D. relating 答案:A. committing  解析: commit...to 托付,交付:1)He was committed to the care of his aunt.(他被托付给他的姨妈照管。) 2)I have already committed the rules to memory.(我早已记住这些规则了。)commit sth. to writing(把......写下来)。某实验小组利用如图示的装置探究加速度与力、质量的关系.(1)下列做法正确的是 (填字母代号)A.调节滑轮的高度,使牵引木块的细绳与长木板保持平行B.在调节木板倾斜度平衡木块受到的滑动摩擦力时,将装有砝码的砝码桶通过定滑轮拴木块上C.实验时,先放开木块再接通打点计时器的电源D.通过增减木块上的砝码改变质量时,不需要重新调节木板倾斜度(2)为使砝码桶及桶内砝码的总重力在数值上近似等于木块运动时受到的拉力,应满足的条件是砝码桶及桶内砝码的总质量木块和木块上硅码的总质量(填远大于,远小于,或近似于)
英语 试题推荐