
51. He made an _____________ (apologize) to me for hurting my feelings. 52. After a long _____________ (argue), he gave way. 53. He pretended _____________ (get) the result but wouldn’t tell us. 54. How I regret _____________ (not explain) to him when he questioned my loyalty. 55. Different _____________(态度) towards life decide your future. 答案:51. apology         52. argument 53. to get       54. not explaining  55. attitudes下列关于儒家学说的演变正确的是(  )A.元朝统一后,为选拔人才,规定考试只许在儒家经典“四书”范围内命题,儒家学生达到顶峰B.春秋时期孔子确立的儒家学说其核心思想是“法制”C.五四运动中,儒家学说在“打倒孔家店”的攻击中动摇了统治地位D.西汉汉武帝时期,儒家学说经儒生董仲舒的完善,被确立为正统思想
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