
I have been in Limoges for a month now. since living here, I have tried to integrate(融合) into the local community and one way I have found to do this is by following the local rugby team. I decided to look for information on the local rugby team after the tourism office could not help me. I searched for the club office online and decided to look into it. The following day I went back to the club after speaking with them and decided to get a season ticket for the rest of my stay here. I will now be going to each home game as well as travelling to the away games with the team and the 18. (2015 •临沂学业考) 雍正五年,清朝始置“饮差驻藏办事大臣”,又称“钦命总理西藏事务大臣”,与达赖、班禅共同管理西藏事务。清政府为巩固统一多民族国家而采取的这项措施是 ()   A. 册封达赖和班禅   B. 设置驻藏大臣   C. 设置伊舉将军   D. 安置土尔扈特
英语 试题推荐