
No one ever said the College Entrance Examination was easy. Staying up late to study for the exam has made you exhausted . But while you struggle to review as many books as possible to prepare for your test, don’t forget your health.  36     Here are some tips on dieting, dressing and sleeping you can follow to stay energized as you go through your finals weeks. Sleeping All of that studying during finals week will be for nothing if you don’t get enough sleep. Make a good arrangement of your schedule to stay ahead of the game. You know your body, your study habits, and your 用短线“—”表示共用电子对,用“··”表示未成键孤电子对的式子叫路易斯结构式。R分子的路易斯结构式可以表示为则以下叙述错误的是( )A. R为三角锥形 B. R可以是BF3C. R是极性分子 D. 键角小于109°28′
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