
Marie was born in Poland in 1867.  She was given the name Marie Sklodowska by her parents.  Her father was a teacher.  Everyone soon saw that Marie had a quick mind. Marie s mother died when her youngest daughter was only ten.  This made Marie know that she must work hard at her lessons if she wanted to be successful in her life.  So she did and won top honors at her school. Marie and her elder sister, Bronya, dreamed of studying in France.  But their father did not have enough money to send them there.  Then Marie made out a plan: she would teach at home and send her money to 4、《拍案惊奇》总结的社会通则是:“那富的人,怕的是见官。”以上材料主要反映了 (    ) A.农本思想根深蒂固                         B.抑商传统仍然盛行 C.农业在社会经济中占据重要地位            D.专制统治严重压制了商业的发展
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