
下列各句中,划线成语使用不正确的一句是(     )(2分)A.霜雾缭绕的长缕泛出拂晓的色彩,半透明而熠熠发光,时间仙女的倩影令天空蓬荜生辉,那勾魂摄魄的美丽身姿还让暗夜着了魔。B.“学习”二字在大多数莘莘学子眼中是枯燥无味的,因为为此要付出许多的时间与艰辛。C.大熊猫憨态可掬,小猴子顽皮可爱,不仅令孩子笑得前仰后合,还令一向严肃的大人们都忍俊不禁。D.乡村居民点的基础设施日臻完善,其田园式居住环境和居住方单词拼写1.Children should be taught to spend their free time_______(明智的).2.Studying ______(到国外) is one way but not the only way to one’s education and success.3.Making _______(调查) help people know more about things around them.4.I hear that they have _______(翻译) Harry Potter into several foreign languages.5.The parade has been _______ (结束)for two hours.6.In America ,women didn’t get the ______(权利) to vote until 1920.7.The village got clean drinking water by________(挖) a deep hole.8.— Mr.Wu, how can I achieve my dream?—You have to work hard, because almost happens by ________.9.—Millie, you have kept the book for too long. You can keep it for at most two weeks.—Sorry, I will _____it to the library as soon as possible.10.—What is the _____ of “beautiful”—It’s “ugly”
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