
You've seen people in need on the news after a hurricane, an earthquake, or any other disaster. Perhaps you've walked past homeless people who are living on the streets. Or maybe you've been to an animal shelter and wished you could give every pet a home. So what can you do to help people or animals who need it? The answer is —being a volunteer! Volunteering means spending some of your free time helping others. You may volunteer to help other people, such as the families who lost their homes after a natural disaster. But you can also volunteer to protect animals, the environment, or 为了解某中学生遵守《中华人民共和国交通安全法》的情况,调查部门在该校进行了如下的随机调查,向被调查者提出两个问题:(1)你的学号是奇数吗?(2)在过路口时你是否闯过红灯?要求被调查者背对着调查人员抛掷一枚硬币,如果出现正面,就回答第一个问题,否则就回答第二个问题.被调查者不必告诉调查人员自己回答的是哪一个问题,只需回答“是”或“不是”,因为只有调查者本人知道回答了哪一个问题,所以都如实地做了回答.结果被调查的800人(学号从1至800)中有240人回答了“是”.由此可以估计这800人中闯过红灯的人数是( )A.40人B.80人C.160人D.200人
英语 试题推荐