
张岂之在《中国历史十五讲》中说:“宋代,择偶标准不像以前那样重门阀,而看重金榜题名之人;比较计较婚姻关系的物质财富,宗室女嫁富商的现象司空见惯。”材料反映宋代婚姻关系的变化,对其原因分析不正确的是(    ) A.科举制度盛行    B.商人地位提高  C.商业经济繁荣      D.理学的兴起英译汉。1. My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week._____________________________________ 2. When are you going? _____________________________________ 3. Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. _____________________________________ 4. My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. _____________________________________ 5. F is for family. We will all be together tonight._____________________________________
历史 试题推荐