
There used to be a term that was used to describe someone who drove their vehicles down the highway while staring at the scenery.These drivers just drove slowly,taking their own sweet time,as if they had nothing to do and no place in particular to go.Thus,the expression,“Sunday driver”,was born.Consequently,a Sunday driver wasn't necessarily someone who was driving on a Sunday.A person could be a Sunday driver any day of the week.The_expression_simply_meant_that_the_person_was_an_obstacle_to_other_drivers_who_were_in_a_hurry. The expression probably came about because t根据下图回答问题。 (1)写出仪器①的名称__________。(2)用高锰酸钾制取氧气应选用的发生装置为_________(填字母编号,下同);(3)实验室制取二氧化碳应选用的装置为_________。
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