
Maureen worked in an office with twenty other people, and she liked her job. Getting ahead in her career wasn’t   41   to her until the day that her friend and co-worker Betty was promoted to be the boss of the unit. Betty couldn’t have gotten the     42   if Maureen had tried to. In the eyes of the other co-workers Betty was always cheerful,   43   and ambitious, while Maureen was low-key (低调的) and easy-going. Before Betty got the promotion, Maureen had been   44   at her work, even if she had not been specially happy. But once Betty was made   45  , 3.“嘀嘀打车”是时下非常流行的打车、租车软件.学校想通过“嘀嘀打车”的专车服务来租用教师和学生的外出用车,已知学校共有6名教师和234名学生集体外出活动,准备租用45座大客车或30座小客车(两种车型可混合租用).已知租车的费用标准如下:若租用1辆大车2辆小车共需租车费1000元;若若租用2辆大车1辆小车共需租车费1100元.(1)求大、小车每辆的租车费各是多少元?(2)若每辆车上至少要有一名教师,且总租车费用不超过2300元,求最省钱的租车方案.
英语 试题推荐