
观察下图,可知当时实行的地方行政管理制度是 A.分封制、郡县制                                  B.郡县制、行省制  C.分封制、行省制                                 D.郡国并行制、行省制 答案:D“I am not here!”   Kate and Bruce worked in the same factory in London. They were good friends. They often played jokes on each other.   One day Kate met Bruce on her way to the factory. She said, “Hi, Bruce. It's good to see you.”   “How can you see me when I'm not here?” Bruce asked.   “What do you mean? You are not here?” Kate asked, “Of course you're here.”   “No, I'm not,” Bruce said, “and I'll bet(打赌) you ten dollars that I can prove(证明) I'm not here.”   “All right,” said Kate. “Ten dollars. Now prove you're not here.”   “It's easy,” Bruce said. “Am I in Hong Kong?”   “No,” said Kate.   “Am I in Paris?”   “No,” said Kate.   “If I'm not in Hong Kong and I'm not in Paris,” Bruce said, “then I must be somewhere else. Is that right?”   “That's right,” said Kate. “You must be somewhere else.”   “And if I'm somewhere else, I can't be here, can I? Ten dollars, please.”   “You're very clever, Bruce.”   “We had a bet.”   “Certainly we had a bet,” Kate said. “But how can I give you ten dollars if you're not here?”   With a laugh Kate walked away. 1.Kate and Bruce were ________. [  ] A.classmatesB.teachers C.workersD.students 2.This story happened in ________. [  ] A.Hong KongB.Paris C.LondonD.somewhere else 3.That day Kate spoke to Bruce ________. [  ] A.in the streetB.in the factory C.on the telephoneD.in their office 4.When Bruce had proved that he was not “here”, Kate ________. [  ] A.was very angry with him B.gave him ten dollars C.proved that she couldn't give him the money D.thought he had won the bet 5.Which of the following is TURE? [  ] A.Bruce laughed because he got ten dollars from Kate. B.Kate laughed because she got ten dollars from Bruce. C.Kate couldn't give the money to Bruce because Bruce was not there with her. D.Both Kate and Bruce were very clever.
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