
A recent survey of teachers found that an unhealthy passion with celebrity(名人) culture is having a negative effect on British students’ studies and it discovered that celebrity couple, the Beckhams, are the favorites among most students. Many students are ignoring building their own careers to seek a chance at fame instead, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) survey found. Almost two-thirds of teachers said sports stars were the type of celebrity many pupils wanted to follow while more than half of students wanted to be pop stars. The survey said the celebrities that stud读图完成下列各题:①从图中可见,我国地势的总体特征是___ __,各类地形大致呈_ 逐级递减。②图中三级阶梯:A为__ ___级阶梯,B为_ _ ___级阶梯,C为___ __级阶梯::③我国地势三级阶梯划分的主要依据是 ( )A、地形类型 B、山脉走向 C、平均海拔高度 D、相对高度④我国的地势特点,一方面有利于海洋上_ _深入内陆,形成降水:另一方面,使我国的许多大江、大河都自_ _ ___向_ ___流,沟通了__ _部的交通。
英语 试题推荐