
How long can you safely freeze food? Frozen food lasts indefinitely. But does that mean the raw chicken you bought on sale and froze will taste as good a year from now as it will three weeks from now? No. You can cook up that chicken a year later and it won’t harm you, but its taste and texture will be diminished. The key is knowing when frozen food starts to lose quality.__36__. Fruits and vegetables. You can freeze most vegetables and non-citrus fruits for about 8 to 12 months, according to the National Center for Home Food Preservation. (You can freeze citrus, too, but you need to t东北的大小兴安岭是我国重要的林区,新修筑的铁路进入林区以后,林区人民高兴地说:“火车一响,黄金万两。”东北的森林资源主要通过下列哪条铁路从东北运往全国各地(    )A. 滨洲线 B. 沈丹线 C. 京哈线 D. 滨绥线
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