
At least 77 were wounded when hundreds of army soldiers and anti-government protesters (抗议者) clashed(冲突)in Bangkok early Monday morning, 14 hours after Thai PM (总理) declared a state of emergency in the capital city, Thai media reports. The Nation quoted(引用)hospital reports as saying at least 77 people suffered injuries mainly from teargas, with five seriously injured. At around 7:20 a.m., the government announced it was in control of the situation at Din Daeng, The Nation said on its website. Some protesters had been arrested, and Army Spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamner史学家布克哈特评价一场运动时说:“由信仰、幻想和幼稚偏见织成的神学面纱最先在意大利烟消云散了。”他评价的是A. 新航路的开辟B. 宗教改革C. 文艺复兴D. 启蒙运动
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