
阅读下面这首诗,完成(1)~(3)题。 闻邻船吹笛 杨 基 江空月寒露华白,何人船头夜吹笛。 参差楚调转吴音,定是江南远行客。 江南万里不归家,笛明说鬓华。 折残堤上柳,莫教吹落陇头花! 【注】:料,料想。 (1)下面对诗歌的赏析不正确的一项是                                                      (    ) A.开头与结尾处的景物描写相呼应,寄寓了诗人深厚的情感,营造了优美的意境。 B.第三句写笛声由【1】Our school is as beautiful as ________(他们的).【2】I think her hope will _______ _______(实现).【3】We can’t walk _______(越过) the street when the traffic light is red.【4】I don't like crowded places, because the air isn't usually ________(新鲜的).【5】The well is about ten ________(米) deep. You'd better stay away from it.
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