
阅读下面一段文字,按要求答题。     宽阔的马路,拥挤的车流,闪烁的ní虹灯,鳞次zhì比的高楼、健步如飞的上班族……这一切,构成了“大丰市区”这幅绚丽多姿的风景画。而大丰港“海港新城”则由规划师们自出新裁地将一条绿化生态走廊由南至北把日月湖和湖北面的大型生态绿地及湿地公园联系在一起,打造出的是一个全新的生态港城。 (1)给加点的字注音。                     (2)根据拼音写汉字。                  阅读短文,完成习题。 Last year, I went to the USA. It was great! I visited the Empire State Building(帝国大厦). It was the tallest building in the world from 1931 to late 1970. I saw the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像). I went inside the statue. I took a lot of pictures there. And I saw the White House. I bought some beautiful postcards. Then I went to the Wild Animal Park. I had dinner there. I was very happy! It was really a nice journey!【1】根据文章内容,判断对错1.I went to America last year. (_______) 2.I visited the White House, the Statue of Liberty and other places. (_______) 3.I went inside the White House. (_______) 4.I enjoyed this journey. (_______)【2】仿照短文,描述你的旅游经历。 Last year, I went to__________________. It was___________________. I___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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