
阅读与表达     根据短文回答问题。(简要回答,不准照抄原文中的句子)     In England everything is the other way round.     On Sundays on the Continent(欧洲大陆)even the poorest puts on his best clothes, tries to look good, and at the same time the life of the country becomes lively and pleasant. In England even the richest person dresses in some poor and old clothes and the country becomes dull(阴郁、单调)and sad. On the Continent, there is one subject which should not be talked about-the weather. In England, if you do not repea函数f(x)=ex+x2+x+1与g(x)的图象关于直线2x-y-3=0对称,P,Q分别是函数f(x),g(x)图象上的动点,则|PQ|的最小值为(  ) A、55B、5C、255D、25
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