
The other day we held class meeting to discuss how family conditions influence high school students. Different students have different opinion about it. Some students put it that if a student live in bad conditions, he can’t get what he wants to. Some argue that these who enjoy favorable family conditions can easily get convenience if necessary. There is no doubt whether it is of great help to their study and future life. Besides, others hold the view that it is against the development of their ability to live independent. I think high school students are no longer children. So they 下列实验现象和对应的结论描述都正确的是( )A.向某固体上滴加稀盐酸,有气泡产生一一该固体一定是碳酸盐B.向某无色溶液中滴入酚酞试液,溶液变红色--该溶液一定是碱溶液C.某固态化肥与熟石灰混合研磨后产生氨味--该化肥一定是铵态氮肥D.把燃着的木条伸入某无色气体中,木条熄灭--该气体一定是二氧化碳
英语 试题推荐