
Before going outside in the morning, many of us check a window thermometer (温度计) for the temperature. This helps us decide what to wear.      __36__ We want our food to be a certain coldness in the refrigerator. We want it a certain hotness in the oven. If we don't feel well, we use a thermometer to see if we have a fever. We keep our rooms a certain warmth in the winter and a certain coolness in the summer. Not all the thermometers use the same system to measure temperature. We use a system called the Fahrenheit scale. But most other countries use the Centigrade scale. Both一个圆锥形沙堆,底面直径是4米,高是0.9米.(1)沙堆的体积是多少立方米?(2)用这堆沙在10米宽的公路上铺2厘米厚的路面,能铺多少米?
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