
Everyone agrees that it’s necessary to reduce carbon emissions (排放物) around the world. There is less agreement over exactly how nations should go about achieving a more carbon - free planet. Thus, the environmental equivalent: cap – and – trade carbon emissions, or place a carbon tax on all users? With cap – and – trade programs, governments limit the level of carbon produced by an industry. Companies that hold their emissions below the cap can sell their remaining allowance on a carbon market, while companies that go beyond their limit must purchase credits on that m下列有关实验操作、现象及结论的叙述正确的是A.用钠可以检验某无水酒精中是否含有水B.除去甲烷中混有的少量乙烯,可以将混合气体通过酸性KMnO4溶液C.制取乙酸乙酯时,试剂加入的顺序是:先加入乙醇,后慢慢加入浓硫酸,最后加入乙酸D.在蔗糖溶液中加入少量稀硫酸,水浴加热后,再加入少量新制的氢氧化铜悬浊液,加热至沸腾,没有砖红色沉淀生成,说明蔗糖没有水解
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