
Driving to a friend’s house on a recent evening, I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend’s rooftop. I stopped to watch it for a few moments, thinking about because we spend most of our lives indoors.My friend had also seen it. He grew up living in a forest in Europe, and the moon meant a lot to him then. It had touched much of his life.I know the felling. Last DecemberI took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends. We stayed in a forest rest house with no electricity or running hot water. Our group had campf(2004?北京)为了测定电流表A1的内阻,采用如图1所示的电路.其中:A1是待测电流表,量程为300μA,内阻约为100Ω;A2是标准电流表,量程是200μA;R1是电阻箱,阻值范围0~999.9Ω;R2是滑动变阻器;R3是保护电阻;E是电池组,电动势为4V,内阻不计;S1是单刀单掷开关,S2是单刀双掷开关.(1)根据电路图1,请在图2中画出连线,将器材接成实验电路(2)连接好电路,将开关S2扳到接点a处,接通开关S1,调整滑动变阻器R2使电流表A2的读数是150μA;然后将开关S2扳到接点b处,保持R2不变,调节电阻箱R1,使A2的读数仍为150μA.若此时电阻箱各旋钮的位置如图3所示,电阻箱R1的阻值是86.386.3Ω,则待测电流表A1的内阻Rg=86.386.3Ω.(3)上述实验中,无论怎样调整滑动变阻器R2的滑动端位置,都要保证两块电流表的安全.在下面提供的四个电阻中,保护电阻R3应选用:BB(填写阻值相应的字母).A.200kΩ    B.20kΩ      C.15kΩ      D.20Ω(4)下面提供最大阻值不同的四个滑动变阻器供选用,既要满足上述实验要求,又要调整方便,滑动变阻器CC(填写阻值相应的字母)是最佳选择.A.1kΩ      B.5kΩ      C.10kΩ     D.25kΩ
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