
乞丐  屠格涅夫 我在街上走着……一个乞丐──一个衰弱的老人挡住了我。 红肿的、含着泪水的眼睛,发青的嘴唇,粗糙、褴褛的衣服,龌龊的伤口……呵,贫困把这个不幸的人,弄成什么样子啊!他向我伸出一只(①)、肮脏的手……他呻吟着,他哀求施舍。我伸手搜索自己所有的口袋……没有钱包,没有表,也没有一块手帕……我随身什么东西也没带。但乞丐在等待着……他伸出来的手,无力地摆动着,发着颤。我惘然无措,惶惑不安,紧紧地 The hole in the earth's protective ozone layer(臭氧层)won't repair itself until about two decades later than had been expected, scientists announced.The ozone layer blocks more than 90 percent of the sun's ultraviolet radiation(紫外线辐射), helping to make life on Earth possible. For many dacades, ozone was depleted(削减) by chlorine and bromine gas in the air. A hole in the ozone layer formed over the Southern Hemisphere.Computer models had forecast that the hole would fill back in by 2050. An improved computer model forecasts the recovery won't occur until 2068. The model, fed with fresh data from statellites and airplanes, was supported by the fact that it accurately reproduced ozone levels in the Antarctic stratosphere(平流层)over the past 27 years.The ozone hole is actually more of a broad region with less ozone than ought to occur naturally. It is not limited to Antarctica, as is often believed.Over areas that are farther from the poles like Africa or the US, the levels of ozone are only three to six percent below natural levels. Over Antarctica, ozone levels are 70 percent lower in the spring. This new method allows us to more accurately estimate(估计)ozone-depleting gases over Antarctica, and how they will decrease over time, reducing the ozone hole area.Paul Newman, a scientist,said that the ozone hole has not started to become smaller as quickly as expected. They figure it will not become much smaller until 2018, after which time the recovery should proceed more quickly. And the hole will not be filled in again until 2065.【小题1】According to the passage, the ozone layer _______A.absorbs as much as sunlight as possibleB.protects man against ultraviolet radiationC.controls the changes in temperatureD.prevents the production of carbon dioxide【小题2】The improved computer model is believable because _________A.it was once proved by factsB.it has been studied for 27 yearsC.it was created by many scientistsD.it is related to satellites and airplanes【小题3】The underlined word “they” in the fifth paragraph refers to ________A.the levels of ozoneB.ozone-depleting gasesC.the ozone holesD.the areas far from the poles
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