
   Recently some articles state that the word ‘‘selfie” has become one of the most annoying words. But I’d like to offer that maybe it is not so bad. The “selfie” is used to describe the self-taken photo, often from a smartphone. Women and men decorate their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts with these pictures, sometimes with puckered (翘起) lips or large smiles. In fact, the selfie has become so widely known that over 31 million photos on Instagram are taken with the selfie.    Let’s think about it. Someone takes about 10 selfies each time they do, and th二十四节气是我国古代历法的重要组成部分。古人根据太阳一年内的位置变化以及所引起的地面气候的演变次序,把一年三百六十五又四分之一的天数分成二十四段,分列在十二个月中,以反映四季、气温、物候等情况,这就是二十四节气。这反映出中国的农历属于 A.太阳历              B.阴阳合历 C.阴历                D.公历
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