
根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。 Leap Year Leap year is a year that has 366 days instead of the usual 365. It normally occurs every four years, always on an even-numbered year. The extra day is added to our shortest month. That is the second month of the year, which in non-leap years has 28 days, two fewer than any other month.    71  Leap year is also called the bissextile year.    72    In our calendar system there is a need for a leap year because the solar year (the time it t下列词语中加横线字读音有误的一项是( )A.惟妙惟肖(xiào)绮丽(qǐ)憎恨(zēng)两栖(qī)B.销声匿迹(nì)愧怍(zuó)琐屑(xiè)追溯(sù)C.风雪载途 (zài)蹒跚(pán shān)褶皱(zhě)震悚(sǒng)D.日薄西山(bó)箱箧(qiè)殷红(yān)绥靖(súi)
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