
One day, when I was working as a psychologist in England,an adolescent boy showed up in my office. It was David. He kept walking up and down restlessly, his face pale, and his hands shaking slightly. His head teacher had referred him to me. This boy has lost his family, he wrote. He is understandably very sad and refuses to talk to others, and I'm very worried about him. Can you help?”        I looked at David and showed him to a chair. How could I help him? There are problems psychology doesn’t have the answer to, and which no words can describe. Sometimes the best thing o(2013年浙江义乌3分)如图,直线a∥b,直线c与a,b相交,∠1=55°,则∠2=【   】A.55° B.35° C.125° D.65°
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