
Can you smell two things at once? This experiment comes from the research of two scientists from Rice University. Denise Chen and Wen Zhou have been experimenting with the science of smell, and have made some very interesting discoveries.        To explore that, you will need two things with strong, characteristic smells and, of course, your nose. The idea is to smell a different smell with each nostril (鼻孔). Hold one smell very close to your right nostril, and the other smell very close to your left nostril. Then breathe in and pay close attention to what you smell.    韩非在批评某家学说时说:“举先王,言仁义者盈廷(注:同“盈庭”,充满朝廷),而政不免于乱。”他批评的是A. 法家学说B. 道家学说C. 儒家学说D. 墨家学说
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