
---Hey, Franc, join us. Don’t you know “All work and no play make a dull boy”?        ---Thanks for inviting, but I think _____ and I have fallen behind.        A. Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ        B. Make hay while the sun shines        C. Don’t count your chicken until they are hatched        D. The early bird catches the worm 答案:D下列语句所指的文学家,依次是①兵甲富于胸中,一代功名高宋室;忧乐关乎天下,千秋俎豆重苏台。②缅想忠贞,补阙拾遗犹昨事;何来环佩,清辉香雾替诗魂。③宦游西蜀,志复中原,高吟铁马铜驼,烟尘誓扫还金阙;诗继少陵,派开南宋,更入清风明月,池馆重新接草堂。④玉茗堂中传蝶梦,临川集上插芳馨。A.范仲淹 白居易 陆 游 王实甫B.欧阳修 杜 甫 辛弃疾 汤显祖C.欧阳修 白居易 辛弃疾 王实甫D.范仲淹 杜 甫 陆 游 汤显祖
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