
New evidence shows that getting enough Vitamin D may be the most important thing you can do for your health. You know the usual prescription for good health: a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, no smoking.Now add this: Spend a little more time in the sun.     Huh? That may sound like medical heresy (反面观点).After all, we've been warned for decades about the dangers of the sun: wrinkles, age spots and the increasing threat of skin cancer.But new and impressive medical evidence suggests that sunlight is beneficial.The vitamin D it promp(2013•广东)设各项均为正数的数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,满足4Sn=a2n+1-4n-1,n∈N*,且a2,a5,a14构成等比数列.(1)证明:a2=4a1+5;(2)求数列{an}的通项公式;(3)证明:对一切正整数n,有1a1a2+1a2a3+…+1anan+1<12.
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