
(2012年2月福建晋江四校第二次联考)2009年2月11日,俄罗斯的“宇宙-2251”卫星和美国的“铱-33”卫星在西伯利亚上空约805km处发生碰撞。这是历史上首次发生的完整在轨卫星碰撞事件。碰撞过程中产生的大量碎片可能会影响太空环境。假定有质量相等的甲、乙两块碎片,绕地球运动的轨道都是圆,甲的运行速率比乙的大,则下列说法中正确的是(   ) A.甲的运行周期一定比乙的短                            B.甲距地面的高度一定比Once there lived a young but foolish king and queen in ancient China. One day the queen had a baby daughter. When they saw their baby, they both cried. “My goodness (天哪!)! How small and ugly it is! It has no hair or teeth! It’s a monster!” they sent for all the doctors in the country and ordered them to prepare some medicine for her.“When she takes your medicine, she must grow up to the right size at once and have hair and teeth when we see her again, ” the king said angrily, “If you can’t do this, you will be dead.”The doctors all thought it impossible. But they dared not say anything against the king. Just then an old doctor stepped forward. “Oh, we shall certainly obey your order,” he said, “but it takes time. We have to build a wooden house near the Kun Lun Mountains. We must live there till the snow melts (融化) for the second time. The snow melts on those mountains only in six years. So we need twelve years.”At last the king agreed with him. So the doctors together took the princess (公主) away with them. One her twelfth birthday, the doctors brought their princess back to her parents, with long black hair and beautiful white teeth. The king and queen were excited when they saw their beautiful princess. He gave the doctors a lot of expensive presents happily in return. They all had a happy life.【1】 Why does the girl have no hair or teeth?A. Because she’s a monster.B. Because she’s only a baby.C. Because she’s a princess.D. Because she’s a disabled girl.【2】 What do you think of the king and queen?A. Foolish. B. Careless.C. Creative. D. Knowledgeable.【3】 Who brought up the princess to her twelfth birthday?A. The doctors. B. The farmers.C. The girl herself. D. The king and queen.【4】 How often does the snow on Kun Lun Mountains melt?A. Once a year. B. Twice ten years.C. Every six years. D. Every twelve years.【5】What didn’t happen in the story?A. The princess became a beautiful girl.B. All the doctors in the country were killed.C. The king and queen had a happy life.D. The doctors raised the princess for twelve years.
物理 试题推荐