
依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是(      ) 城市不是乡愁的产地,城市只是埋葬乡愁的坟场。我们周游在后现代的工业城市,难觅经典永恒的乡愁。______,______,______。______,______。 ①乡愁生发在辽阔的原野 ②那它一定是逃离了都会 ③因为乡愁萌芽在朴素的地方 ④如果说这个世界上还有令人一见倾心的乡愁 ⑤偷偷生长在被现代人遗忘的高山之巅的乡舍与内陆深处的村庄A.④②⑤③①                   B.③①④    Basketball stars become hip-hop singers. It's true. In NBA, hip-hop music is very popular. Many of the players, like Shaquille O'Neal of the Los Angeles Lakers, write rap (说唱) words when they ravel on planes from one city to another. Some of them even have rap radio shows and others perform (表演) in music video.     When some of the younger stars play basketball, they even try to look like hip-hop singers.  "Hip-hop is just part of their culture," says one player. "All of us grew up listening to rap and playing basketball, and rappers grew up doing the same thing."     Master P. is a famous rap star who wants to become a basketball player. Two NBA teams have invited him to join them. They enjoy listening to his music. An NBA player has become a rapper. He has made four successful rap albums (专集).     NBA has a closer connection to hip-hop than any other sports league. 56. Many basketball players in NBA like ________.     A. hip-hop music     B. country music     C. American singers     D. dancing 57. Many NBA players ________ mp words when they travel on planes from one city "to another.     A. learn            B. write             C. sing               D. dance 58. ________ is just part of the NBA players' culture.     A. Music          B. Rapper            C. Hip-hop            D. Basketball 59. The NBA tennis invited Master P. to john them just because ________.     A. they like listening to his music          B. his dancing was popular     C. they like his face and hair              D. his hip-hop was popular 60. Which of the following is NOT right?     A. Many NBA players have become hip-hop rappers.     B. A tapper wants to become a NBA basketball player.     C. Players in NBA don't like hip-hop music at all.     D. NBA basketball teams have closer connection to hip-hop music.                                                         
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