
Garlic is one of the most common flavors in our kitchen. It not only tastes wonderful, but also it’s very good for your body. It is one of Mother Nature’s most precious gifts to cooks of all levels. Choose garlic heads that are firm to the touch, with no scars or soft cloves (蒜瓣). If you notice dark, powdery patches under the skin, pass it up because this is an indication of a common mold which will eventually spoil the flesh. Store unpeeled heads of garlic in an open container in a cool, dry place away from other foods. Do not refrigerate or freeze unpeeled garlic. Properly 2010年广州亚运会期间,某国代表团计划在比赛全部结束后,顺便从7个他们最喜爱的中国城市里选择5个进行游览.如果M、N为必选城市,并且在游览过程中必须按先M后N的次序经过M、N两城市(游览M、N两城市的次序可以不相邻),则他们可选择的不同游览线路有(  )A.120种B.240种C.480种D.600种
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