
This week, London will be full of celebrations to welcome the Year of the Rat. Every year, London’s Chinatown   1   a spectacular event to celebrate Chinese New Year, the largest event outside of Asia. This year in the UK, there seems to be a huge amount of   2   in Chinese culture. For the third year running, the ‘China in London’ season is being held. This   3  event will run from February to April, finally in the Olympic torch relay,   4  the Olympic flame will pass through London on its way to the start of the Beijing Games. The ‘China in London’ season will combin如图(a)所示的电路中,电源电压为6伏且保持不变,滑动变阻器R2上标有“50Ω 2A”字样,电流表表盘如图(b)所示.闭合电键,通过电流表A1的电流为0.3安.求:①电阻R1的阻值.②移动滑动变阻器滑片P,两个电流表指针偏离零刻度线角度恰好相同,求10秒钟内电流对电阻R2做的功,并求上述情况下滑动变阻器接入电路的最小值.
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