
61.     She was __________________ (困住) in the burning house, wondering what to do next. 62.     It is an ___________________ (极端) important task, so you must finish it on time. 63.     There are good chances of __________________ (晋升) in the company. 64.     To keep fit, we must have a __________________ (均衡) diet. 65.     There was not a ______________ (乏味的) moment in the debate. 66.     She was busy preparing for the ______________________ (招待) of the guests. 67.     The sea  ___________________ (逐渐) calmed down as we s如图所示,将塑料绳一端扎紧,把绳尽可能撕成更多的细丝,用手从上向下捋几下,观察到细丝蓬散开来,是因为细丝与手摩擦后带上________ (选填“同”或“异”)种电荷而相互________ 。
英语 试题推荐