
Soon Tommy’s parents, who had recently separated (分居), would arrive for a meeting on his failing schoolwork and   1   behavior. Neither parent knew that I had called up   2  . Tommy, an only child, had   3   been happy, cooperative, and an excellent student. How could I make his father and mother   4   that his recent failing grades   5   a brokenhearted child’s reaction to his respected parents’ separation and possible   6  ? Tommy’s mother came in and   7   one of the chairs I had placed near my desk. Then the father   8   and was apparently surprise2009年苏州市提出了“保增长、保民生”的双保要求,市委书记在阐述“双保”辩证关系时指出:没有经济增长,保民生就会失去基础。对此理解正确的是A.只有以经济建设为中心,才能为发展社会主义先进文化提供物质基础B.只有以经济建设为中心,才能从根本上巩固社会主义制度         C.只有以经济建设为中心,才能不断提高人民群众生活水平,最终实现共同富裕      D.只有以经济建设为中心,才能不断增强我国的综合国力
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