
请以“如何学好英语”为题,写一篇议论文。主要内容如下: (1)要学好英语,应该坚持不断地使用英语。     (2)语法是重要的,但语法不是一切;     (3)在开始阶段应十分重视听与说,注意语音语调。 词数:80~120。 答案:How to Learn English Well     We should keep on using English if we want to learn English well. If we often do listening, speaking,reading and writing, we will improve our ability to use the language greatly.     Grammar is important. It helps us understand and use English freely. But grammar is not everything. It is not a good way to spend most of our time on grammar. We are learning 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作文。生活如同一朵玫瑰,每片花瓣代表一个梦想,每根花刺昭示一种现实。 ——法国作家阿尔弗莱·德·缪塞 这句名言蕴含哲理,引发了你怎样的思考或联想?请根据你的思考或联想写一篇文章。 注意:①立意自定,题目自拟;②除诗歌外,其他文体不限;③书写规范,正确使用标点;
英语 试题推荐