
My cousin Tom used to like playing video games very much. He could spend the whole weekend playing video games without going out. At last, his parents became concerned. They wanted to change the situation. So they arranged some after- school programs for him At first, Tom didn’t like them. But as time went by, he fell in love with after-school programs. Now he no longer plays video games and spends most of his time attending after-school programs, through which he has gained many important skills. After-school programs can be very helpful. Here are some reasons. Children need friends.19世纪末《纽约时报》对某场战争的评价是:日本人打开了世界的眼界,让人们看到了大清帝国真正的无能……清国政体是一个明显失败的政体。对这场战争与《纽约时报》的评价理解准确的是( )A.这场战争使外国人获得到中国内地游历经商传教特权B.这场战争刺激了资本主义列强在华的新一轮侵略扩张C.这场战争导致中国丧失了台湾、金门、马祖岛的主权D.文章作者认为中国应该向日本学习实行君主立宪政体
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