
某研究小组利用如图所示装置研究碳的氧化物的性质(固定装置略).已知碳酸镁加热发生类似碳酸钙的分解反应. (1)装置A中发生的反应: .(用化学方程式表示) 装置C的作用: ,无水CaCl2的作用: . (3)装置D中发生的反应: (用化学方程式表示). (4)图中装置E是安全瓶,能防止倒吸,从实验安全考虑,本实验还应在装置 之间添加装置E. Chushu, also called End of Heat, is the 【1】 (fourteen) solar term(节气) in China. It 【2】 (usual) happens on August 23 each year. At this period, the hot summer passes and heat stops. There is a 【3】 (say) that “People tend to feel sleepy in spring, doze(打盹) in summer and feel tired in autumn.” As the w【4】 becomes cool during End of Heat, many people will feel lazy and have no energy, which is called “autumn weariness(秋乏)”. It will be helpful for 【5】(they) to get enough sleep, do more exercise and keep plants indoors.It is 【6】 tradition in China for people to eat ducks during Chushu. Duck is sweet and cool in nature(性质). It helps eliminate(去除) the heat in human body. There are many 【7】 (way) to cook ducks. People in Beijing usually buy Chushu Lily duck 【8】 that day. For 【9】(fisherman), Chushu is a season of harvest. During this period, the Fishing Season Festival is held in regions along the coastline of the East China Sea in Zhejiang Province. People can enjoy many kinds of seafood d【10】this period.
化学 试题推荐