
高空中的O3能吸收有害紫外线,保护人类赖以生存的空间。其结构式可表示为,键角116.5°,V形分子,具有极强的氧化性。在低层的空气中,O3与空气中的一些碳氢化合物发生作用后,产生有毒的光化学烟雾。试回答下列问题:① 臭氧与氧气的关系是             ;臭氧与SO2的关系是                     。② 写出下列反应的离子方程式:SO2与氯水反应生成两种强酸                                        SO2与FeCl3溶液Every morning Steve goes to work on train. As 1.________ he has a long trip, he always buys newspaper. It helps 2.________ to make the time passing more quickly. 3.________     One Tuesday morning, he turned over the sports page. 4.________ He wanted to look the report about an important football 5.________ match the night before.The team of his town won the match.The report was so interested that he forgot to 6.________ get off at his station.He did not know it until 7.________ he saw the sea.He got off at next station,and 8.________ had to wait a long time for a train to go back.Of course,he arrived very late at the office.His boss was very angry when Steve told to him why he was late. 9.________     “Work is very important than football!” he shouted.           10.________  
化学 试题推荐