
       It’s just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree.No name, to  36   .It has peeked (looked quickly)through the branches of our tree for the past 10 years or so.        It all began because my husband Mike   37  Christmas-oh, out the true meaning of Christmas, but the  38    aspects of it- overspending and the frantic(匆忙地) running around at the last minute to get gifts because you couldn't think of anything else. So, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, sweaters and ties and reach for something 下列词语中加粗字的注音全对的一项是 [     ] A.彳亍(chù) 夏衍(yǎ) 浸渍(zì) 博闻强识(zhì) B.桀(jié)骜 河畔(bàn) 攒射(cuán) 长歌当(dàng)哭 C.慰藉(jì) 体恤(xù) 游说(shuì) 婆娑起舞(suō) D.赁屋(lìn) 焦灼(zhuó) 刀俎(zǔ) 叱咤风云(chà)
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