
同学利用电压表和电流表测量电阻R1的阻值(约9Ω左右),电源选用两节干电池。 (1)按图甲电路,将图乙中电流表正确连入电路 (2)该同学检查电路连接正确,合上开关,可是无论怎样移动滑片,电压表示数总为3v不变,你认为发生故障的原因可能是________或_______________。 (3)清除故障后,小明将滑片P向左滑动时,电压表示数将________(填“增大”、“减小”、“不变”),当P滑到某一位置时,两表读数如图丙所示,由此可知R=____Ω。你认为这个结果可靠吗?理Mike: Tom!I can't believe it!I haven't seen you for ages.Tom: It's really a nice surprise!【小题1】_________Mike: Pretty good.Tom: 【小题2】____________Mike: I wish I could. But I'm on my way out. I have to be in the city in an hour.Tom : 【小题3】__________Mike:There's a lot of traffic and I really have to get going. You know where I live - why don't you drop in one evening?Tom:I'll do that. 【小题4】____________. let's keep in touch.Mike: I’d really like to. I'll talk to you soon, Tom. I’m glad I ran into you Tom: 【小题5】__________A.take care.B.How are you?C.Where have you been?D.Can you join me?E.Come on. Just for a minute.F.And you should feel free to  call or visit me.G.It's been a whole year since we saw each other last time.
物理 试题推荐