
“我们在夺取政权后便知道,不存在将资本主义制度具体改造成社会主义制度的现成方法。……我们必须根据实验作出判断”。以下哪一项是属于列宁最早“实验”的内容(    ) A.用固定粮食税取代余粮收集制        B.取消自由贸易 C.全盘农业集体化                    D.按劳分配  阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项 I still remember quite clearly the day when my parents got divorced(离婚) . Dad kissed me goodbye and left. For a long time 'Mum and I lived a peaceful life. Then one day, Jim came over for lunch wearing a blue suit with a short brown tie and a green shirt I couldn't believe this was going to be my new stepfaLher. It couldn't be true that my beautiful mother would many someone who dressed like a clown(小丑). I hated him. Lunch was terrible. Mother kept trying to start a conversation, but neither Jim nor I would saymuch. Finally I offered to bring in the dessert just to get away from the clown Something unpleasant happened, but I didn't mean(故意) to do it. I guess the plate slipped. But one minute I was handing Jim his blackberry pie, and the next, dark purple berries were oozing(渗出) all over his shirt and tie. I was mortified. My face turned bright red. Jim looked very much surprised at first, but then he began to laugh. I started to laugh too. Maybe this guy was all right, after all. Then I had a quick look at my mother. She looked happier than I had seen her in a long time.1.The writer thinks Jim's clothes look ______________ .A. nice B. expensive C. usual D. funny2. From the story we might guess that _____________ .A. Jim didn't seem likeable at first B. the writer liked Jim from the startC. Jim was angry with the writer D. Jim didn't like blackherry pie3. In this story the word "mortified" means ___________.A. happy B. bored C. embarrassed D. angry4.The best title for this story would be ______________ .A. I Love Pie B. My New StepfatherC. The World's Worst Lunch D. Mothers Shouldn't Marry.
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