
One of my_61_(friend) was facing hard issues regarding her work.She told me this and asked how she could find the way out of it.I really had nothing_62_(show) her about the way out.I could do nothing to give her a_63_ (solute) because the problem she was facing was_63_(entire) different than I could help with.I decided to do_64_ least I could do.I just listened to her and told her that her situation made me_65_(concern) for her. What I did certainly was really nothing to solve her problem but the next time she_66_(meet) me,she was very happy.I felt great to see her sunny face,and she sa下面是使用天平称物体质量时需要做的几项工作,正确的操作步骤排列是 ( )①物体放在左盘,在右盘中加减砝码,移动游码,使横梁平衡;②调节横梁螺母,使横梁平衡;③横梁平衡后,计算砝码和游码的示数,算出物体的质量;④把天平放在水平桌面上.A. ①②③④B. ④②①③C. ④①②③D. ④③①②
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