
Jumping spiders are vital for agriculture pest control, and 61 species can even learn to distinguish the color red in their prey(猎物), a 2015 study 62 (show). They are able to learn to associate this color 63 poisonous prey and avoid it or find out high quality prey. Jumping spiders will consume almost any small pests, 64 (range) from caterpillars to flies. Not only does this 65 (natural) reduce the amount of agricultural damage from insect pests, but it means farmers can avoid using chemical treatments 66 (protect) their crops. In total, a large number of jumping spiders, over 5,18.关于超重和失重,下列说法不正确的是(  )A.物体处于超重状态时,物体可能在上升B.物体处于失重状态时,物体可能在上升C.物体处于完全失重状态时,地球对它的引力消失了D.物体处于完全失重状态,对支持它的支承面压力为零
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