
The government of Norway is planning to build an unusual storage center on an island in the Arctic Ocean. The place would be large enough to hold about two million seeds. The goal is to present all crops known to scientists. The British magazine New Scientist published details of the plan last month. The structure will be designed to protect the world’s food supply against nuclear war, climate change and other possible threats. It will be built in a mountain on the Norwegian island of Spits Bergen. The mountain is less than one thousand kilometers from the North Pole, the northernmost positi如图所示为某小组同学在“探究平面镜成像特点”的实验.(1)选择_____(选填“较厚”或“较薄”)的玻璃板代替平面镜,并将其竖直放置,虽然成像不如平面镜清晰,但却能在观察到A蜡烛像的同时确定_____(2)点燃A蜡烛,小心地移动另一支_____的蜡烛B,直到与A蜡烛的像_____为止,通过比较发现像与物_____(3)某小组同学实验时发现蜡烛A在平面镜中的像不清晰,为此小组同学提出了几种解决方案.方案一:将实验搬至较暗或较亮的环境中,通过实验发现_____(选填“较暗”或“较亮”)的环境可以使看到的像更清晰.方案二:将蜡烛B也点燃,用来增加像的亮度,通过实验发现这样做_____(选填“能”或“不能”)使看到的像更清晰.(4)为证实上述有关成像特点是否可靠,你认为应采取下列哪项操作?_____A.保持A、B两支蜡烛的位置不变,多次改变玻璃板的位置进行观察.B.保持玻璃板位置不变,多次改变A蜡烛的位置进行实验. 较薄 像的位置 未点燃 重合 大小相等 较暗 不能 B 【解析】(1)当玻璃板比较厚时,两个反射面成像距离比较远,实验时会出现明显的两个像,当玻璃板比较薄时,两个反射面成像距离比较近,可以近似看成一个像,使实验简单化; 采用透明玻璃板代替平面镜,虽然成像不如平面镜清晰,但却能在观察到蜡烛A像的同时,也能观察到代替蜡烛A的蜡烛B,当蜡烛B和蜡烛A的像完全重合时,便于确定像的位置; ...
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